Exploring Enneagram 6 Wings for Self-Improvement

enneagram 6 wings

The Enneagram of Personality, a vibrant and insightful psychological framework, has been a beacon for self-improvement aficionados and psychology enthusiasts alike. Its nuanced approach to personality offers a map for personal growth and a deeper understanding of our idiosyncrasies. In this post, we will demystify the intriguing concept of wings within the Enneagram, focusing on the steadfast Type 6 and its adjacent influences.

Understanding Enneagram 6 Wings

Type Six, often referred to as “The Loyalist,” is marked by reliability, commitment, and an innate sense of cautiousness. “Wings” in the Enneagram refer to adjacent types that blend with your core type to create a unique personality cocktail. For Type Six, these wings are Five and Seven, adding extra layers of complexity to their behavioral patterns.

Grasping the importance of wings is tantamount to unlocking a fuller, richer understanding of your Enneagram type. They influence how traits manifest and can guide you toward leveraging your strengths or mitigating your challenges.

Exploring Enneagram Type 6 Wings

Two distinct flavors of Type Six exist—each with its own quirks and qualities.

Enneagram 6w5 (The Defender)

Sixes with a Five wing or ‘The Defender’ are typically more withdrawn and introspective. Cerebral and vigilant, these individuals use knowledge as a shield against the uncertainties of the world. Known for their fierce independence, they rely on their sharp intellect to solve problems.

Strengths: Analytical abilities, independence, perceptive insights

Weaknesses: Tendency towards isolation, excessive skepticism, emotional detachment

Enneagram 6w7 (The Buddy)

On the flip side, Sixes leaning towards Seven—’The Buddy’—exhibit a more outgoing and engaging persona. They integrate the playfulness of a Seven, blending it with their core need for security. This concoction results in a charming, friendly character who values social connections.

Strengths: Sociability, optimistic approach, adaptability

Weaknesses: Impulsiveness, difficulties with commitment, tendency to anxiety

How Enneagram 6 Wings Influence Behavior

The dynamics of a Six’s wings are evident in daily life. Decision-making, for example, might be a meticulous process for a 6w5, involving thorough research and caution. In contrast, a 6w7 might make more spontaneous choices, seeking advice from their trusted circle.

Relationship patterns are also tinged by wing influence—6w5s might be more selective about whom they trust, while 6w7s are typically the life of the party, attracting diverse groups of friends. Understanding these nuances equips you with the knowledge to predict certain behaviors and better steer your growth path.

Practical Applications and Self-Discovery

Acknowledging your wing can catalyze personal development. If you identify as a 6w5, lean into activities that allow for independent thought and deep dives into subjects of interest. For 6w7s, exploring new experiences and fostering social relationships can be incredibly fulfilling.

Self-reflection exercises, such as journaling about decisions or tracking social interactions, can reveal your underlying wing tendencies. Be mindful of situations that bring out the best in you, and those that spotlight your difficulties—both offer valuable lessons.


Enneagram Type 6 wings provide a multifaceted tool for exploration into the vast domain of the self. By appreciating the distinct features of the 6w5 and 6w7, we pave a path of tailored self-improvement. Unearthing your primary wing isn’t the end—it’s an opening to a deeper dialogue with yourself.

We all possess the ability to blossom alongside our innate characteristics. Whether you’re a ‘Defender’ or a ‘Buddy,’ remember that your type and wings are guideposts, not constraints. Harness your self-awareness, venture forth, and explore the rich depths of your Enneagram identity.

Los geht’s! (German for “Here we go!”) Whether you resonate with the cerebral defender or the sociable buddy, may the knowledge of your wings be a compass on your voyage to personal elucidation and growth.