enneagram 6 and stress

enneagram 6w5 in stress
Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

Enneagram 6 and stress: How it affects them?

The enneagram 6 personality is one of the most stressed personalities. They are also very sensitive, anxious and worried. The best way to avoid stress for an enneagram 6 is to create boundaries for themselves. This will allow them to focus on their own needs without feeling responsible for everyone else’s problems. The post continues with ways that individuals who are the sixth type can manage their anxiety and stress levels in order to live a more balanced life.

Stress and anxiety

the enneagram 6 goes through quite a lot of stress and anxiety behaviour this is partly due to their mistrust of people and also due to the fact that they are always over suspicious of things always going the wrong way, believe me on this point, myself being an enneagram 6 wing 5, i have gone through suspecting everyone around me during stressful times and to even think that people were trying to sabotage my work!

The levels of development for 6 wing 5

There are 3 main levels of development for every enneagram type, healthy,average,unhealthy.

Healthy 6 wing 5:

Healthy Sixes unite! The organizational ability and personal engagement of the Five with curiosity, perceptivity (the sixth sense), and focus make for a very intellectual life. If your winged side has mastered knowledge systems or can spot weakness in people’s reactions then you might be an 6w5 type personality
The main flaw that these individuals seem to have throughout most aspects on their lives is being too narrowly focused when it comes down making decisions based off logic alone versus considering other factors such as emotions into account before acting impulsively without thinking through all possible outcomes first which could cause problems later if something goes wrong because instead of fixing what isn’t broken we’ve just made things worse by not paying attention

Average 6 wing 5:

They tend to deal with their problems on own, which can be seen by how hardworking loyalty leads them into strong feelings of affiliation or connection that cause such optimism from being negative
The nature-loving Five wing creates a sense distrust for others while still maintaining hope within themselves–in fact many times more so when compared against its counterpart’s fearful state (the Seven).

The more anxious they become, the scarier and unpredictable life becomes. As fear escalates into panic-attacks in Six Personality Type’s world view – people are out to get them! In typical fashion for this type of person who can’t handle any uncertainty or risk at all; rather than facing up to how bad things might actually be (which would require confronting one’s own fears),they create conspiracies where none exist just so everyone else will suspect them first instead…
“But wait,” you say–why do something when there’d already been enough finger pointing?!

Unhealthy 6 wing 5:

The Six wing Five becomes more introverted and reserved, attempting to conserve their energy. They are self-sufficient but still feel the need for emotional support from others which they get in a negative way where things like addiction can come into play as ways to deal with high anxiety levels caused by isolationism or pessimism; this leads down an abusive path of inferiority complexes/s OSPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). The lowest level displays fits of rage when realize what kind damage has been done due towards narcissismanipulation–destructive behavior.

Recommendation on enneagram 6 in stress: How to prevent and avoid it

When you feel like life is unfair, take some time for yourself. Get out of bed and do something that makes your heart smile; spend an hour with friends or loved ones doing something fun! Remembering how rewarding this journey can be will help guide those dark moods into positive experiences instead – giving us hope against all odds when we need it most
i) Take action: Stop blaming others for things they have no control over

People who overreact to stress often do so because they are feeling anxious and under pressure. To avoid this, try identifying what causes your reaction such as fear or anger when things don’t go the way you want them too; realize that even if everything was worst case scenario – it will not happen anyway! You have power over how well-prepared for an event is going be by controlling yourself through mindful meditation techniques like yoga breathing exercises
and deep relaxation methods which can help calm down those racing thoughts before acting upon their impulses without thinking about consequences later on (which might result just as poorly).

It’s hard to get close when you’re afraid of commitment, so try being more open-minded. Trust your gut instinct and find someone that will take care of your needs while not giving up on the relationship too soon.
Anyone who has ever been in love knows how much it hurts when trust is broken; don’t let fear keep this from happening again!

You’re probably not in much danger, and few people are out to get you. Your fears tell more about how you feel toward others than what they reveal about their feelings for themselves- which is good news because it means there’s hope!

Anxiety is a normal and common emotion. It’s how we deal with life-threatening or important situations, such as speaking in public or taking an exam that could affect our future careers. Managing your anxiety can become easier if you learn the following:
Acknowledge that there may be times when being anxious isn’t about something bad happening but just pure nerves from anticipation
Explore what causes these feelings by thinking back over recent memories where some tension was present (or even feeling it); this helps put things into perspective so they’re no longer overwhelming

Conclusion paragraph:

It’s important to understand that an enneagram 6 in stress behave in different ways and it manifests differently for each personality type. Often, the enneagram 6 is said to be a “crisis-oriented” personality who can also seem self destructive at times due to their strong desire for change. As such, they may find themselves engaging in risky behavior or quitting their job without having anything lined up on the other side. Knowing more about this personality type and how they cope with stress will help you better respond when stressful situations arise so as not to trigger them into making bad decisions about what needs to happen next. Share your own experiences of coping with stress by filling out our form here! We’re always interested in hearing from people like you!